FIDELIS-VI: Introducing and strengthening DOTS implementation in ten teaching hospitals and six private hospitals, including linkages with primary health care, in three districts of Pakistan.

FIDELIS-VI: Introducing and strengthening DOTS implementation in ten teaching hospitals and six private hospitals, including linkages with primary health care, in three districts of Pakistan.

Coverage: Three districts i.e. Rawalpindi, Islamabad and Lahore

April 2007 – March 2008


  • Enhancing the capacity of the district offices and the hospitals to effectively plan, implement and monitor DOTS activities
  • Training of managers, doctors, laboratory personnel, DOTS Facilitators and lady health workers
  • Enabling/supporting three key agents (school teachers, community health workers and local religious leaders) to mobilize communities in proposed districts
  • Screening of TB suspects, initiation of TB cases registration and examination
  • Organizing community groups and conducting discussions


  • 128 managers oriented on DOTS and plans prepared for implementing DOTS activities in hospitals
  • 16 advocacy workshops for the hospitals conducted
  • 70 doctors received core training on case management module and 32 doctors trained on refresher course
  • 70 paramedics received core training as DOTS facilitator, 38 paramedics received training on quarterly reporting and 32 paramedics received training on refresher course
  • 38 laboratory technicians received core training on AFB microscopy, 16 laboratory technicians received refresher training on AFB microscopy and 3 district laboratory supervisons received training on EQA
  • 4 social organizers received training on social mobilisation and 1500 lady health workers training on providing treatment support
  • 4945 smear +ive cases detected, 192 community mobilization events conducted and 3791 TS reported