TB ACSM interventions in 8 districts of Punjab & Balochistan (Oct 01, 2007 to Sept 30, 2012)

TB ACSM interventions in 8 districts of Punjab & Balochistan (Oct 01, 2007 to Sept 30, 2012)

Less than desired level of TB case finding at public facilities; advocacy, communication and social mobilization – a known approach to increase utilization of available services; a set of ACSM activities implemented for enhanced TB case finding in respective districts.

  • Districts: 3 districts of Punjab and 5 districts of Balochistan.
  • Activities:
    • Training and engagement of public facility staff (doctors and allied staff) for community mobilization
    • Enabling and engagement of community advocates (i.e. religious leaders, journalists, councilors)
    • Plan and implement community-based events e.g. sports, walks, arts, festivals, seminars, debates etc.
  • Outputs:
    • 3756 public facility staff trained/engaged in community mobilization
    • 1457 community advocates trained/engaged in community mobilization
    • 439 community based events conducted
    • 10,238 community awareness sessions conducted